How to Find Comfort in God During These Difficult Times

These are challenging times. The world feels like it’s permanently caught up in unrelenting chaos, and it’s affecting a lot of us. It seems like more and more people are losing their sense of hope and feeling disconnected from the world around them.

In such testing times, many are finding themselves struggling to hold onto a sense of normalcy. But in times like these, we need to embrace our faith and lean into God to find comfort, strength, and hope.

Below, I’m sharing my advice for ways you can find comfort in our Heavenly Father and His Word during these troubled times.

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1. Pray Without Ceasing

This probably goes without saying, but praying to our Father is always the first thing you should do when you’re in need of comfort. During tough times, it’s crucial to maintain an open line of communication with God.

Prayer is not just about asking for help; it’s also about expressing your fears, frustrations, and feelings. Remember, God knows your heart, but He wants to hear from you.

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. – Philippians 4:6

In the book of Psalms, David often poured out his heart to God in times of distress. Follow his example. You don’t need fancy words or perfect grammar – just a sincere heart. Even if all you can muster is, “Help me, God,” say it. He hears every whisper, every silent plea.

2. Disconnect from the Internet

Constantly checking social media and news sites can be detrimental to your mental health. The more you become sucked into the negative reports, the more anxious it will make you feel.

Take a break and disconnect from the world for a bit. Spend some time in reflection and prayer, or just find an activity that helps to distract your mind away from all the negativity.

Every now and then, my family and I have a day where we completely disconnect from the internet. We don’t watch TV or go on our phones. It always feels a little strange at first because we don’t know what to do with our time. However; every time we have one of these days, we’re so glad we did!

Disconnecting makes us find ways to better use our time. We have meaningful conversations, go for walks, play board games, cook delicious meals, and more.

You can crochet, read a book, watch movies, go for a walk, or discover a new hobby. Do something positive with your time.

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3. Read the Scriptures

Reading the scriptures is an excellent way to find reassurance of God’s unchanging purpose in our lives. The Bible can provide you with helpful insights, guidance, and spiritual nourishment.

I know that for myself, I’m guaranteed to feel a sense of calm after reading the Bible. God’s Word is so powerful! Even when I don’t have a lot of time to read, just ten minutes makes a world of difference.

If you’re feeling anxious or fearful, turn to passages that speak to hope, trust, and love. Meditate on these words, and allow yourself to feel the serenity they bring to your heart.

If you’ve never tried handwriting Bible verses, I highly recommend giving scripture writing a try. Check out my free scripture writing plans that lists a different Bible verse to write down each day.

4. Express Your Gratitude for All That God Has Provided

In times of turmoil, it’s easy to lose hope and forget about all we have to be grateful for. However, these moments are the best time to express gratitude for all that God has provided.

Taking some time out of each day to thank God for the blessings in your life glorifies the Father, brings you closer to Him, and puts you in a state of contentment. No matter how small it may seem, recognize all that has been given to you, and be grateful.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24

5. Listen to Uplifting Music

If you find yourself feeling down or disconnected, listening to uplifting music is a great way to raise your spirits.

Songs of worship and praise can be incredibly powerful in lifting our moods and reminding us of our faith. Choose music that speaks to you and brings you closer to God. Music is a powerful tool to connect with people and bring you closer to God.

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6. Fellowship with Believers

No matter where we are in our spiritual journey, fellowship provides us with a source of strength. Being around others who share our beliefs allows us to learn and mature in our faith. It nourishes our souls and reminds us why we hold our convictions.

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42

When we face a callous world, doubt can creep in and shake our foundations. That’s why we need to take time to bond with our fellow believers and rekindle our trust in God’s power

It’s essential to remember that you are not alone in your beliefs or your despair. As Christians, we’re all in this together, and our faith-based communities can be a source of remarkable support.

Reach out to your local church and enquire about meetups (in person or online), prayer gatherings, or Christian retreats. It’s an opportunity to connect with others and derive strength from our shared experiences and faith

7. Practice Mindfulness

Don’t spend so much time thinking about the future, and instead focus on the present. Practicing mindfulness can help you combat feelings of anxiety and stress.

Engaging in activities like prayer, journaling, and meditating on scripture can be effective in combating the negative and uncomfortable feelings you’re experiencing. Meditating on God’s Word is an incredibly helpful practice through which you can cultivate peace and Put On The Armor of God.

8. Attend Bible Study

If you’re troubled by the difficult situations surrounding us, consider studying the Bible with other people. Studying the Bible will help you find guidance and strength through biblical verses and stories.

It is an ideal time to reflect and connect with other believers who share their knowledge and experiences of God. Through Bible study, you will discover new ways of coping with hardships that you might have missed out on by yourself.

Final Words Finding Comfort in God During Difficult Times

It’s comforting to know that we don’t have to go through this difficult season alone. As believers, we have God on our side!

There are many ways to find solace in our faith if we lean into it. Listening to uplifting music, staying connected with your faith-based community, and studying the Bible are just a few ways to find solace.

As we move forward, let’s not forget to take a moment each day to connect with our Heavenly Father, be grateful for the positives, and be hopeful for the times to come. Remember, we can overcome all obstacles with God’s help.

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